Analysis of COVID-19 Data

Scientific Questions

When thinking about the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the associated COVID-19 disease, many questions may come to mind. Among those, you may be wondering about the genetics of the virus: what similarities does its sequence share with other known viruses, how might the sequence influence tools that can be developed to combat its spread? You may wonder about the speed and spread of the disease: how rapidly does it spread in a population, how many total are infected, what is the recovery rate in infected individuals? Again, there are many ways to investigate but here we will do an analysis of the sequence and then investigate the timeline of infections.

Sequence Analysis

What would you like to measure regarding COVID-19?

GC Content

One way to examine a DNA sequence is to look at the GC-content proportion of G and C bases relative to the entire sequence. To do this, a scientist would count all of the bases and find the fraction that are G or C. It sounds tedious so a computer program is ideal for this type of task! Let’s use R to calculate the G+C ratio for a sequence of DNA. We can just use the SARS-CoV-2 sequence to test this program. To do the analysis, we can load the Biostrings package into R and use some of the built-in functionality. Tools like Biostrings were written for cases just like this! We can do the basic analysis in a few lines of code. A few more lines of code are required to gather and organize the data for specific gene-encoding regions in the sequence.


  • FASTA LC522972.1 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2

First, we can load the sequence data from a FASTA file.

Next, we can begin the analysis of GC content by obtaining the frequency of GC in the whole sequence and in specific regions that encode genes.

Next, we can organize the data to prepare it for visualization.

CDS GC_ratio seqType
gc_ORF6 0.2795699 cds
gc_ORF10 0.3418803 cds
gc_ORF8 0.3579235 cds
gc_s 0.3731031 cds
gc_SEQ 0.3799451 full
gc_E 0.3815789 cds
gc_ORF7a 0.3825137 cds
gc_ORF3a 0.3949275 cds
gc_M 0.4260090 cds
gc_N 0.4714286 cds

Now, we can visualize the data to help us understand the GC-content of each portion of the sequence. This is a very basic plot and it needs some improvement!

Let’s ask some questions:

  • which gene/sequence has the highest GC ratio?
  • what portion of the gene sequences have a gc ratio above 0.35?

What would you do to improve this plot?

Here is an upgraded plot that is more appealing. The ratio for the full sequence is highlighted for comparison to the coding regions. This plot uses a library called ‘ggplot2’ to handle the graphics. (Wickham 2009) You’ll notice the style of this code uses ‘+’ symbols to add features. You can think of it like:

  • [main graph] +
  • [draw some bars] +
  • [make it sideways] +
  • [add a title]+
  • [change the colors] +
  • [more cool stuff].

Let’s AGAIN ask some questions:

  • Which gene/sequence has the highest GC ratio?
  • What portion of the gene sequences have a gc ratio above 0.35?

What are some strengths and weaknesses of this plot?

If you’re interested, the ‘gc_N’ gene (not official name) is described here and here. It is a nucleocapsid phosphoprotein that helps to package the viral genome, among other functions. The original information regarding the coding regions (used to create these visualizations) of the SARS-CoV-2 virus was found here.

Timeline Analysis

Loading Data

Our first step is to load in the most current data. These data were obtained from a GitHub repository maintained by Johns Hopkins University. If you want a copy of the data for yourself, visit that site and click ‘Clone or download’ and then ‘Download ZIP’ to save the information. The data used in this analysis are from the ‘csse_covid_19_time_series’ folder.

## # A tibble: 6 x 60
##   `Province/State` `Country/Region`   Lat   Long `1/22/20` `1/23/20` `1/24/20` `1/25/20` `1/26/20` `1/27/20` `1/28/20` `1/29/20`
##   <chr>            <chr>            <dbl>  <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
## 1 <NA>             Thailand         15     101           2         3         5         7         8         8        14        14
## 2 <NA>             Japan            36     138           2         1         2         2         4         4         7         7
## 3 <NA>             Singapore         1.28  104.          0         1         3         3         4         5         7         7
## 4 <NA>             Nepal            28.2    84.2         0         0         0         1         1         1         1         1
## 5 <NA>             Malaysia          2.5   112.          0         0         0         3         4         4         4         7
## 6 British Columbia Canada           49.3  -123.          0         0         0         0         0         0         1         1
## # ... with 48 more variables: `1/30/20` <dbl>, `1/31/20` <dbl>, `2/1/20` <dbl>, `2/2/20` <dbl>, `2/3/20` <dbl>, `2/4/20` <dbl>,
## #   `2/5/20` <dbl>, `2/6/20` <dbl>, `2/7/20` <dbl>, `2/8/20` <dbl>, `2/9/20` <dbl>, `2/10/20` <dbl>, `2/11/20` <dbl>,
## #   `2/12/20` <dbl>, `2/13/20` <dbl>, `2/14/20` <dbl>, `2/15/20` <dbl>, `2/16/20` <dbl>, `2/17/20` <dbl>, `2/18/20` <dbl>,
## #   `2/19/20` <dbl>, `2/20/20` <dbl>, `2/21/20` <dbl>, `2/22/20` <dbl>, `2/23/20` <dbl>, `2/24/20` <dbl>, `2/25/20` <dbl>,
## #   `2/26/20` <dbl>, `2/27/20` <dbl>, `2/28/20` <dbl>, `2/29/20` <dbl>, `3/1/20` <dbl>, `3/2/20` <dbl>, `3/3/20` <dbl>,
## #   `3/4/20` <dbl>, `3/5/20` <dbl>, `3/6/20` <dbl>, `3/7/20` <dbl>, `3/8/20` <dbl>, `3/9/20` <dbl>, `3/10/20` <dbl>,
## #   `3/11/20` <dbl>, `3/12/20` <dbl>, `3/13/20` <dbl>, `3/14/20` <dbl>, `3/15/20` <dbl>, `3/16/20` <dbl>, `3/17/20` <dbl>

Filtering Data

We’re interested in examining the rise (and fall?) of infections in China, Italy, South Korea, and the United States from the first date through the most current date. Ideally, we will produce a line graph with a single line for each country. Problem: our dataset has more information than we need and we should filter it to a smaller set of information so 1) it’s easier for a human to see what’s happening and 2) it’s easier for the computer to process. Now, this is not a huge dataset, but it’s good practice to understand how to limit the scope of your data for analyses. This portion of data analysis is sometimes called ‘data wrangling’ because we need to ‘wrangle’ the data into good form before we work with it directly. It’s a great idea to separate your main data from the data you wrangled so you can always go back to the main file.

## # A tibble: 6 x 60
##   `Province/State` region   Lat   Long `1/22/20` `1/23/20` `1/24/20` `1/25/20` `1/26/20` `1/27/20` `1/28/20` `1/29/20` `1/30/20`
##   <chr>            <chr>  <dbl>  <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
## 1 <NA>             Thail~ 15     101           2         3         5         7         8         8        14        14        14
## 2 <NA>             Japan  36     138           2         1         2         2         4         4         7         7        11
## 3 <NA>             Singa~  1.28  104.          0         1         3         3         4         5         7         7        10
## 4 <NA>             Nepal  28.2    84.2         0         0         0         1         1         1         1         1         1
## 5 <NA>             Malay~  2.5   112.          0         0         0         3         4         4         4         7         8
## 6 British Columbia Canada 49.3  -123.          0         0         0         0         0         0         1         1         1
## # ... with 47 more variables: `1/31/20` <dbl>, `2/1/20` <dbl>, `2/2/20` <dbl>, `2/3/20` <dbl>, `2/4/20` <dbl>, `2/5/20` <dbl>,
## #   `2/6/20` <dbl>, `2/7/20` <dbl>, `2/8/20` <dbl>, `2/9/20` <dbl>, `2/10/20` <dbl>, `2/11/20` <dbl>, `2/12/20` <dbl>,
## #   `2/13/20` <dbl>, `2/14/20` <dbl>, `2/15/20` <dbl>, `2/16/20` <dbl>, `2/17/20` <dbl>, `2/18/20` <dbl>, `2/19/20` <dbl>,
## #   `2/20/20` <dbl>, `2/21/20` <dbl>, `2/22/20` <dbl>, `2/23/20` <dbl>, `2/24/20` <dbl>, `2/25/20` <dbl>, `2/26/20` <dbl>,
## #   `2/27/20` <dbl>, `2/28/20` <dbl>, `2/29/20` <dbl>, `3/1/20` <dbl>, `3/2/20` <dbl>, `3/3/20` <dbl>, `3/4/20` <dbl>,
## #   `3/5/20` <dbl>, `3/6/20` <dbl>, `3/7/20` <dbl>, `3/8/20` <dbl>, `3/9/20` <dbl>, `3/10/20` <dbl>, `3/11/20` <dbl>,
## #   `3/12/20` <dbl>, `3/13/20` <dbl>, `3/14/20` <dbl>, `3/15/20` <dbl>, `3/16/20` <dbl>, `3/17/20` <dbl>
## # A tibble: 6 x 57
##   region `1/22/20` `1/23/20` `1/24/20` `1/25/20` `1/26/20` `1/27/20` `1/28/20` `1/29/20` `1/30/20` `1/31/20` `2/1/20` `2/2/20`
##   <chr>      <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1 Italy          0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         2        2        2
## 2 US             0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0        0        0
## 3 US             0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0        0        0
## 4 US             0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0        0        0
## 5 US             0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0        0        0
## 6 US             0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0        0        0
## # ... with 44 more variables: `2/3/20` <dbl>, `2/4/20` <dbl>, `2/5/20` <dbl>, `2/6/20` <dbl>, `2/7/20` <dbl>, `2/8/20` <dbl>,
## #   `2/9/20` <dbl>, `2/10/20` <dbl>, `2/11/20` <dbl>, `2/12/20` <dbl>, `2/13/20` <dbl>, `2/14/20` <dbl>, `2/15/20` <dbl>,
## #   `2/16/20` <dbl>, `2/17/20` <dbl>, `2/18/20` <dbl>, `2/19/20` <dbl>, `2/20/20` <dbl>, `2/21/20` <dbl>, `2/22/20` <dbl>,
## #   `2/23/20` <dbl>, `2/24/20` <dbl>, `2/25/20` <dbl>, `2/26/20` <dbl>, `2/27/20` <dbl>, `2/28/20` <dbl>, `2/29/20` <dbl>,
## #   `3/1/20` <dbl>, `3/2/20` <dbl>, `3/3/20` <dbl>, `3/4/20` <dbl>, `3/5/20` <dbl>, `3/6/20` <dbl>, `3/7/20` <dbl>, `3/8/20` <dbl>,
## #   `3/9/20` <dbl>, `3/10/20` <dbl>, `3/11/20` <dbl>, `3/12/20` <dbl>, `3/13/20` <dbl>, `3/14/20` <dbl>, `3/15/20` <dbl>,
## #   `3/16/20` <dbl>, `3/17/20` <dbl>

Data Anatomy

Our data set at this point has a ‘character’ column with text values and a bunch of ‘double’ columns containing numeric values which represent the confirmed cases of COVID-19. You may notice the header row contains ‘region’ and a bunch of dates in the format Month/Day/Year. These appear as text labels and we can use them as information for our plots.

## # A tibble: 6 x 57
##   region `1/22/20` `1/23/20` `1/24/20` `1/25/20` `1/26/20` `1/27/20` `1/28/20` `1/29/20` `1/30/20` `1/31/20` `2/1/20` `2/2/20`
##   <chr>      <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1 Italy          0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         2        2        2
## 2 US             0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0        0        0
## 3 US             0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0        0        0
## 4 US             0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0        0        0
## 5 US             0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0        0        0
## 6 US             0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0        0        0
## # ... with 44 more variables: `2/3/20` <dbl>, `2/4/20` <dbl>, `2/5/20` <dbl>, `2/6/20` <dbl>, `2/7/20` <dbl>, `2/8/20` <dbl>,
## #   `2/9/20` <dbl>, `2/10/20` <dbl>, `2/11/20` <dbl>, `2/12/20` <dbl>, `2/13/20` <dbl>, `2/14/20` <dbl>, `2/15/20` <dbl>,
## #   `2/16/20` <dbl>, `2/17/20` <dbl>, `2/18/20` <dbl>, `2/19/20` <dbl>, `2/20/20` <dbl>, `2/21/20` <dbl>, `2/22/20` <dbl>,
## #   `2/23/20` <dbl>, `2/24/20` <dbl>, `2/25/20` <dbl>, `2/26/20` <dbl>, `2/27/20` <dbl>, `2/28/20` <dbl>, `2/29/20` <dbl>,
## #   `3/1/20` <dbl>, `3/2/20` <dbl>, `3/3/20` <dbl>, `3/4/20` <dbl>, `3/5/20` <dbl>, `3/6/20` <dbl>, `3/7/20` <dbl>, `3/8/20` <dbl>,
## #   `3/9/20` <dbl>, `3/10/20` <dbl>, `3/11/20` <dbl>, `3/12/20` <dbl>, `3/13/20` <dbl>, `3/14/20` <dbl>, `3/15/20` <dbl>,
## #   `3/16/20` <dbl>, `3/17/20` <dbl>

Aggregating Data

We have multiple values for each region due to the different sub-regions that were not retained in the data set. We’ll want to collapse these rows by each region. For example, there are several ‘US’ rows, each with their own timeline but we would like to simplify this to a single ‘US’ row. In the end, we should have a single row for each of the four regions of interest.

## # A tibble: 4 x 57
##   region `1/22/20` `1/23/20` `1/24/20` `1/25/20` `1/26/20` `1/27/20` `1/28/20` `1/29/20` `1/30/20` `1/31/20` `2/1/20` `2/2/20`
##   <chr>      <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1 China        548       643       920      1406      2075      2877      5509      6087      8141      9802    11891    16630
## 2 Italy          0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         2        2        2
## 3 Korea          1         1         2         2         3         4         4         4         4        11       12       15
## 4 US             1         1         2         2         5         5         5         5         5         7        8        8
## # ... with 44 more variables: `2/3/20` <dbl>, `2/4/20` <dbl>, `2/5/20` <dbl>, `2/6/20` <dbl>, `2/7/20` <dbl>, `2/8/20` <dbl>,
## #   `2/9/20` <dbl>, `2/10/20` <dbl>, `2/11/20` <dbl>, `2/12/20` <dbl>, `2/13/20` <dbl>, `2/14/20` <dbl>, `2/15/20` <dbl>,
## #   `2/16/20` <dbl>, `2/17/20` <dbl>, `2/18/20` <dbl>, `2/19/20` <dbl>, `2/20/20` <dbl>, `2/21/20` <dbl>, `2/22/20` <dbl>,
## #   `2/23/20` <dbl>, `2/24/20` <dbl>, `2/25/20` <dbl>, `2/26/20` <dbl>, `2/27/20` <dbl>, `2/28/20` <dbl>, `2/29/20` <dbl>,
## #   `3/1/20` <dbl>, `3/2/20` <dbl>, `3/3/20` <dbl>, `3/4/20` <dbl>, `3/5/20` <dbl>, `3/6/20` <dbl>, `3/7/20` <dbl>, `3/8/20` <dbl>,
## #   `3/9/20` <dbl>, `3/10/20` <dbl>, `3/11/20` <dbl>, `3/12/20` <dbl>, `3/13/20` <dbl>, `3/14/20` <dbl>, `3/15/20` <dbl>,
## #   `3/16/20` <dbl>, `3/17/20` <dbl>

Pivoting Data

One more step we need to take is to transform our column headers that represent dates into actual date-type data and put the whole set of dates into a ‘long’ format. This will make more sense when you see the result but essentially the data for the dates is across-ways and we want it to go down-ways as actual data instead of a header value. Note that the ‘region’ values are repeated as necessary for each new row.

## # A tibble: 6 x 3
##   region date    confirmed
##   <chr>  <chr>       <dbl>
## 1 China  1/22/20       548
## 2 China  1/23/20       643
## 3 China  1/24/20       920
## 4 China  1/25/20      1406
## 5 China  1/26/20      2075
## 6 China  1/27/20      2877
## # A tibble: 6 x 3
##   region date       confirmed
##   <chr>  <date>         <dbl>
## 1 China  2020-01-22       548
## 2 China  2020-01-23       643
## 3 China  2020-01-24       920
## 4 China  2020-01-25      1406
## 5 China  2020-01-26      2075
## 6 China  2020-01-27      2877

Plotting Data

Now that we have our data completely wrangled, we can make a plot! From this image, we can hopefully draw some conclusions.

Effective Communication

What we produced before was a simple plot but let’s do a little better. Can we bring focus to the rate of change to see accelerating illness? This could perhaps highlight times where each region experienced an increased infection rate. To do this, we will need to add a new calculated column where each count is compared to the previous value.

region date confirmed rate
China 2020-01-22 548 NA
China 2020-01-23 643 17.3357664
China 2020-01-24 920 43.0793157
China 2020-01-25 1406 52.8260870
China 2020-01-26 2075 47.5817923
China 2020-01-27 2877 38.6506024
China 2020-01-28 5509 91.4841849
China 2020-01-29 6087 10.4919223
China 2020-01-30 8141 33.7440447
China 2020-01-31 9802 20.4028989
China 2020-02-01 11891 21.3119771
China 2020-02-02 16630 39.8536708
China 2020-02-03 19716 18.5568250
China 2020-02-04 23707 20.2424427
China 2020-02-05 27440 15.7464040
China 2020-02-06 30587 11.4686589
China 2020-02-07 34110 11.5179651
China 2020-02-08 36814 7.9272940
China 2020-02-09 39829 8.1898191
China 2020-02-10 42354 6.3396018
China 2020-02-11 44386 4.7976578
China 2020-02-12 44759 0.8403551
China 2020-02-13 59895 33.8166626
China 2020-02-14 66358 10.7905501
China 2020-02-15 68413 3.0968384
China 2020-02-16 70513 3.0695920
China 2020-02-17 72434 2.7243203
China 2020-02-18 74211 2.4532678
China 2020-02-19 74619 0.5497837
China 2020-02-20 75077 0.6137847
China 2020-02-21 75550 0.6300198
China 2020-02-22 77001 1.9205824
China 2020-02-23 77022 0.0272724
China 2020-02-24 77241 0.2843343
China 2020-02-25 77754 0.6641550
China 2020-02-26 78166 0.5298763
China 2020-02-27 78600 0.5552286
China 2020-02-28 78928 0.4173028
China 2020-02-29 79356 0.5422664
China 2020-03-01 79932 0.7258430
China 2020-03-02 80136 0.2552169
China 2020-03-03 80261 0.1559848
China 2020-03-04 80386 0.1557419
China 2020-03-05 80537 0.1878437
China 2020-03-06 80690 0.1899748
China 2020-03-07 80770 0.0991449
China 2020-03-08 80823 0.0656184
China 2020-03-09 80860 0.0457790
China 2020-03-10 80887 0.0333910
China 2020-03-11 80921 0.0420339
China 2020-03-12 80932 0.0135935
China 2020-03-13 80945 0.0160629
China 2020-03-14 80977 0.0395330
China 2020-03-15 81003 0.0321079
China 2020-03-16 81033 0.0370357
China 2020-03-17 81058 0.0308516
Italy 2020-01-22 0 NA
Italy 2020-01-23 0 NaN
Italy 2020-01-24 0 NaN
Italy 2020-01-25 0 NaN
Italy 2020-01-26 0 NaN
Italy 2020-01-27 0 NaN
Italy 2020-01-28 0 NaN
Italy 2020-01-29 0 NaN
Italy 2020-01-30 0 NaN
Italy 2020-01-31 2 Inf
Italy 2020-02-01 2 0.0000000
Italy 2020-02-02 2 0.0000000
Italy 2020-02-03 2 0.0000000
Italy 2020-02-04 2 0.0000000
Italy 2020-02-05 2 0.0000000
Italy 2020-02-06 2 0.0000000
Italy 2020-02-07 3 50.0000000
Italy 2020-02-08 3 0.0000000
Italy 2020-02-09 3 0.0000000
Italy 2020-02-10 3 0.0000000
Italy 2020-02-11 3 0.0000000
Italy 2020-02-12 3 0.0000000
Italy 2020-02-13 3 0.0000000
Italy 2020-02-14 3 0.0000000
Italy 2020-02-15 3 0.0000000
Italy 2020-02-16 3 0.0000000
Italy 2020-02-17 3 0.0000000
Italy 2020-02-18 3 0.0000000
Italy 2020-02-19 3 0.0000000
Italy 2020-02-20 3 0.0000000
Italy 2020-02-21 20 566.6666667
Italy 2020-02-22 62 210.0000000
Italy 2020-02-23 155 150.0000000
Italy 2020-02-24 229 47.7419355
Italy 2020-02-25 322 40.6113537
Italy 2020-02-26 453 40.6832298
Italy 2020-02-27 655 44.5916115
Italy 2020-02-28 888 35.5725191
Italy 2020-02-29 1128 27.0270270
Italy 2020-03-01 1694 50.1773050
Italy 2020-03-02 2036 20.1889020
Italy 2020-03-03 2502 22.8880157
Italy 2020-03-04 3089 23.4612310
Italy 2020-03-05 3858 24.8947880
Italy 2020-03-06 4636 20.1658891
Italy 2020-03-07 5883 26.8981881
Italy 2020-03-08 7375 25.3612103
Italy 2020-03-09 9172 24.3661017
Italy 2020-03-10 10149 10.6519843
Italy 2020-03-11 12462 22.7904227
Italy 2020-03-12 12462 0.0000000
Italy 2020-03-13 17660 41.7108008
Italy 2020-03-14 21157 19.8018120
Italy 2020-03-15 24747 16.9683793
Italy 2020-03-16 27980 13.0642098
Italy 2020-03-17 31506 12.6018585
Korea 2020-01-22 1 NA
Korea 2020-01-23 1 0.0000000
Korea 2020-01-24 2 100.0000000
Korea 2020-01-25 2 0.0000000
Korea 2020-01-26 3 50.0000000
Korea 2020-01-27 4 33.3333333
Korea 2020-01-28 4 0.0000000
Korea 2020-01-29 4 0.0000000
Korea 2020-01-30 4 0.0000000
Korea 2020-01-31 11 175.0000000
Korea 2020-02-01 12 9.0909091
Korea 2020-02-02 15 25.0000000
Korea 2020-02-03 15 0.0000000
Korea 2020-02-04 16 6.6666667
Korea 2020-02-05 19 18.7500000
Korea 2020-02-06 23 21.0526316
Korea 2020-02-07 24 4.3478261
Korea 2020-02-08 24 0.0000000
Korea 2020-02-09 25 4.1666667
Korea 2020-02-10 27 8.0000000
Korea 2020-02-11 28 3.7037037
Korea 2020-02-12 28 0.0000000
Korea 2020-02-13 28 0.0000000
Korea 2020-02-14 28 0.0000000
Korea 2020-02-15 28 0.0000000
Korea 2020-02-16 29 3.5714286
Korea 2020-02-17 30 3.4482759
Korea 2020-02-18 31 3.3333333
Korea 2020-02-19 31 0.0000000
Korea 2020-02-20 104 235.4838710
Korea 2020-02-21 204 96.1538462
Korea 2020-02-22 433 112.2549020
Korea 2020-02-23 602 39.0300231
Korea 2020-02-24 833 38.3720930
Korea 2020-02-25 977 17.2869148
Korea 2020-02-26 1261 29.0685773
Korea 2020-02-27 1766 40.0475813
Korea 2020-02-28 2337 32.3329558
Korea 2020-02-29 3150 34.7881900
Korea 2020-03-01 3736 18.6031746
Korea 2020-03-02 4335 16.0331906
Korea 2020-03-03 5186 19.6309112
Korea 2020-03-04 5621 8.3879676
Korea 2020-03-05 6088 8.3081302
Korea 2020-03-06 6593 8.2950066
Korea 2020-03-07 7041 6.7950857
Korea 2020-03-08 7314 3.8772902
Korea 2020-03-09 7478 2.2422751
Korea 2020-03-10 7513 0.4680396
Korea 2020-03-11 7755 3.2210835
Korea 2020-03-12 7869 1.4700193
Korea 2020-03-13 7979 1.3978905
Korea 2020-03-14 8086 1.3410202
Korea 2020-03-15 8162 0.9398961
Korea 2020-03-16 8236 0.9066405
Korea 2020-03-17 8320 1.0199126
US 2020-01-22 1 NA
US 2020-01-23 1 0.0000000
US 2020-01-24 2 100.0000000
US 2020-01-25 2 0.0000000
US 2020-01-26 5 150.0000000
US 2020-01-27 5 0.0000000
US 2020-01-28 5 0.0000000
US 2020-01-29 5 0.0000000
US 2020-01-30 5 0.0000000
US 2020-01-31 7 40.0000000
US 2020-02-01 8 14.2857143
US 2020-02-02 8 0.0000000
US 2020-02-03 11 37.5000000
US 2020-02-04 11 0.0000000
US 2020-02-05 11 0.0000000
US 2020-02-06 11 0.0000000
US 2020-02-07 11 0.0000000
US 2020-02-08 11 0.0000000
US 2020-02-09 11 0.0000000
US 2020-02-10 11 0.0000000
US 2020-02-11 12 9.0909091
US 2020-02-12 12 0.0000000
US 2020-02-13 13 8.3333333
US 2020-02-14 13 0.0000000
US 2020-02-15 13 0.0000000
US 2020-02-16 13 0.0000000
US 2020-02-17 13 0.0000000
US 2020-02-18 13 0.0000000
US 2020-02-19 13 0.0000000
US 2020-02-20 13 0.0000000
US 2020-02-21 15 15.3846154
US 2020-02-22 15 0.0000000
US 2020-02-23 15 0.0000000
US 2020-02-24 51 240.0000000
US 2020-02-25 51 0.0000000
US 2020-02-26 57 11.7647059
US 2020-02-27 58 1.7543860
US 2020-02-28 60 3.4482759
US 2020-02-29 68 13.3333333
US 2020-03-01 74 8.8235294
US 2020-03-02 98 32.4324324
US 2020-03-03 118 20.4081633
US 2020-03-04 149 26.2711864
US 2020-03-05 217 45.6375839
US 2020-03-06 262 20.7373272
US 2020-03-07 402 53.4351145
US 2020-03-08 518 28.8557214
US 2020-03-09 583 12.5482625
US 2020-03-10 959 64.4939966
US 2020-03-11 1281 33.5766423
US 2020-03-12 1663 29.8204528
US 2020-03-13 2179 31.0282622
US 2020-03-14 2727 25.1491510
US 2020-03-15 3499 28.3094976
US 2020-03-16 4632 32.3806802
US 2020-03-17 6421 38.6226252

Let’s make a new plot using points where transparency is based on the rate value and a cutoff value. For example, solid color if the rate is x% or more. Is a small rate value more or less important as total confirmed cases increases to very high levels?

We can split this plot by region for some clarity.

Each solid-color dot represents a relatively high rate of change. What’s happening with the United States? What can we conclude from this plot?

Using Movement for Communication

Movement can be powerful for communicating ideas when color, size, and position are not sufficient. Let’s examine the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in our four regions of interest through the use of animated plots. Do you notice anything new or different? What predictions might you make from this information?

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Case Study: Italy, South Korea, United States

Reports indicate massive and widespread SARS-CoV-2 testing in South Korea with relatively little testing in Italy and the United States. How might this methodology impact the rate of infection in each population? Let’s take a look at those regions specifically.

“As of Wednesday (3/18/2020), South Korea had tested over 295,000 people for the coronavirus, reporting over 8,500 infections with 81 deaths.” - Grady McGregor, Fortune Magazine.

According to an article published by the New York Times, the US and Italy have tested approximately 25,000 and 28,000 in a similar time frame, respectively.

Populations sizes are not the same so we can think of this in terms of density. That is, how many tests are each country performing per unit of population? Data indicate that the US is testing at a rate of around 100 tests per 1 million people. Italy is testing around 2,100 per million and South Korea is testing around 5,200 per million.

South Korea is effectively testing for the virus at a rate of approximately 25x that of Italy and 50X or more than that of the US.

What are some possible implications in this disparity of testing rates?

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Look closely and notice that Italy and South Korea started their rapid increase in infection rate at approximately the same time. What happened around March 7?

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Something to remember

Higher testing rates can result in a higher number of reported infections. It makes sense that if you are not looking, you will not find a result and if you look very carefully, you have a higher probability of finding that for which you are looking.

How might this change your view of the accuracy of infection rate data from the US versus Italy, South Korea?

How might US data change if testing density increased from 100 per million to a more aggresive rate of 5,000 or more per million like South Korea?

Spatial Data Visualization

The spread of Sars-CoV-2 is a global event and you may be interested to think of this event in terms of geography. We can use the ‘leaflet’ library to display latitude and longitude data included in the data set. While this virus is spreading globally, we will focus on the United States for this visualization. Our primary questions will be where, when, and to what extent does this virus appear in the United States?

Leaflet Map

Here is an interactive map showing all of our data points. The point radius size represents the number of confirmed infections. One problem with this is that the map shows all points for all locations stacked on top of eachother and does not really represent the time aspect of the data set very well.

How would you represent time AND spatial distribution on a map?

## # A tibble: 247 x 59
##    region   Lat   Long `1/22/20` `1/23/20` `1/24/20` `1/25/20` `1/26/20` `1/27/20` `1/28/20` `1/29/20` `1/30/20` `1/31/20` `2/1/20`
##    <chr>  <dbl>  <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1 US      47.4 -121.          0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0        0
##  2 US      42.2  -74.9         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0        0
##  3 US      36.1 -120.          0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0        0
##  4 US      42.2  -71.5         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0        0
##  5 US      35.4  140.          0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0        0
##  6 US      37.6 -123.          0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0        0
##  7 US      33.0  -83.6         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0        0
##  8 US      39.1 -105.          0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0        0
##  9 US      27.8  -81.7         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0        0
## 10 US      40.3  -74.5         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0        0
## # ... with 237 more rows, and 45 more variables: `2/2/20` <dbl>, `2/3/20` <dbl>, `2/4/20` <dbl>, `2/5/20` <dbl>, `2/6/20` <dbl>,
## #   `2/7/20` <dbl>, `2/8/20` <dbl>, `2/9/20` <dbl>, `2/10/20` <dbl>, `2/11/20` <dbl>, `2/12/20` <dbl>, `2/13/20` <dbl>,
## #   `2/14/20` <dbl>, `2/15/20` <dbl>, `2/16/20` <dbl>, `2/17/20` <dbl>, `2/18/20` <dbl>, `2/19/20` <dbl>, `2/20/20` <dbl>,
## #   `2/21/20` <dbl>, `2/22/20` <dbl>, `2/23/20` <dbl>, `2/24/20` <dbl>, `2/25/20` <dbl>, `2/26/20` <dbl>, `2/27/20` <dbl>,
## #   `2/28/20` <dbl>, `2/29/20` <dbl>, `3/1/20` <dbl>, `3/2/20` <dbl>, `3/3/20` <dbl>, `3/4/20` <dbl>, `3/5/20` <dbl>,
## #   `3/6/20` <dbl>, `3/7/20` <dbl>, `3/8/20` <dbl>, `3/9/20` <dbl>, `3/10/20` <dbl>, `3/11/20` <dbl>, `3/12/20` <dbl>,
## #   `3/13/20` <dbl>, `3/14/20` <dbl>, `3/15/20` <dbl>, `3/16/20` <dbl>, `3/17/20` <dbl>
## # A tibble: 13,832 x 5
##    region   Lat  Long date       confirmed
##    <chr>  <dbl> <dbl> <date>         <dbl>
##  1 US      47.4 -121. 2020-01-22         0
##  2 US      47.4 -121. 2020-01-23         0
##  3 US      47.4 -121. 2020-01-24         0
##  4 US      47.4 -121. 2020-01-25         0
##  5 US      47.4 -121. 2020-01-26         0
##  6 US      47.4 -121. 2020-01-27         0
##  7 US      47.4 -121. 2020-01-28         0
##  8 US      47.4 -121. 2020-01-29         0
##  9 US      47.4 -121. 2020-01-30         0
## 10 US      47.4 -121. 2020-01-31         0
## # ... with 13,822 more rows

Interactive Map

To address the desire of having time and space represented simultaneously, it may be helpful to implement an interactive map where the user can control the view and the timeline through a slider control. This map was created using the library called ‘Shiny’ and the Leaflet library used before.

Additional Code & Tutorials

These modules were used for teacher professional development related to Ecology. Feel free to check them out and use them to build your knowledge of R and science data. Ecology Modules


Wickham, Hadley. 2009. Ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis. Springer-Verlag New York.