Quarto Markdown Basics: Part 3


A basic table

This table has two columns and three content rows. Use the vertical bar and horizontal dash to draw the table. The default style is applied giving you left-aligned content, horizontal lines, and some light formatting for a simple clean appearance.

Column A Column B
content A1 content B1
content A2 content B2
content A3 content B3

Column alignment

Use the colon symbol : to indicate alignment as left, right, or center. Notice how the line of dashes has been adjusted:

  • |-----------------------------------|
  • |:----------|----------:|:---------:|
<-Left Right-> Center
content A1 content B1 content C1
content A2 content B2 content C2
content A3 content B3 content C3


Tables generally require captions and they are typically located above the table. The easiest solution is to modify the header of the document and add tbl-cap-location: top to specify that captions are placed above each table. Captions for figures (images, charts, etc.) are usually placed below.



title: "Quarto Markdown Basics: Part 3"

format: html




title: "Quarto Markdown Basics: Part 3"

format: html

tbl-cap-location: top


Column widths: precise adjustment

Below the table, add :{tbl-colwidths="[20,30,50]"} to specifiy the widths you want. Here, we set the values as [20,30,50] to indicate there are three columns and that the first column should occupy 20% of the width, the second should occupy 30%, and the last column should occupy the remaining 50% of the width.

Alignment table
Center 20% Center 30% Center 50%
content A1 content B1 content C1
content A2 content B2 content C2
content A3 content B3 content C3