#====================================== #========= EDIT THESE VALUES ========== #====================================== #time in minutes t<-150 #volume in ml v<-0.02 #absorption at 600nm abs600<-0.52 #Y-axis limits yMin<-0 yMax<-1000 #point fill color pointFill<-"#00BBFF" #point border color pointBorder<-"#007099" #point size pointSize<-2 #point stroke width pointStroke<-1 #====================================== # === THE CODE BELOW IS READY TO GO === #====================================== #load graphics library library(ggplot2) #create a sequence of values abs420<-seq(0.5,1.0,by=0.01) #activity calculation function mu <- function(abs420,t,v,abs600) { output <- 1000*(abs420/(t*v*abs600)) return(output) } #run the function for values of the sequence activity<-mu(abs420,t,v,abs600) #create a data frame df<-data.frame(abs420,activity) ggplot(df, aes(x=abs420,y=activity)) + geom_point(shape = 21, colour = pointBorder, fill = pointFill, size = pointSize, stroke = pointStroke)+ scale_y_continuous(limits=c(yMin,yMax), breaks=seq(yMin,yMax,by=50))+ labs(x="Absorption at 420nm", y="Activity (Miller units)", title="B-galactosidase Activity")+ theme_minimal()+ theme(legend.position = "none")
Change the variable values to your own measured values.